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Get up an running with the Tableland SDK.

The JavaScript / TypeScript SDK allows developers to create tables on their chain of choice. Connect, create, and then interact with your tables thereafter with table writes and reads by using the primary Database API.


You can install the SDK from the command line—navigate to the project's directory and run the following:

npm install --save @tableland/sdk


The Tableland SDK uses the modern fetch API, which is only available starting with Node 18. If you're using an earlier version (Node 16 or before), you must provide global access to fetch as well as Headers to use the SDK. Check out this walkthrough for how to do this.


All table creates, writes, and reads fall under a single method: prepare.

Start by creating an instance of a Database and then pass SQL, such as CREATE TABLE, INSERT INTO, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT statements. Let’s start with a simple table read query. Every chain comes with a "healthbot" table that can be queried, which has a single counter column with integer value. For example, on Polygon Mumbai, this table is healthbot_80001_1.

Network configuration

When connecting to a Database, the default will connect to Polygon Mumbai and use a browser connection (e.g., MetaMask prompt), but setting up the network configuration using a Signer defines the desired chain connection. You'll need a to use a provider to connect the Signer using a private key; the provider will point to the desired chain for the database's connection.

For example, you could choose to override the default browser-based connection and pass a private key to instantiate a signer, then, connecting it to the Database. But, if you'd like to use the default browser connection, simply instantiating with new Database() will prompt the browser wallet.

import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";
import { Wallet, getDefaultProvider } from "ethers";

const privateKey = "your_private_key";
const wallet = new Wallet(privateKey);
// To avoid connecting to the browser wallet (locally, port 8545).
// For example: ""
const provider = getDefaultProvider("");
const signer = wallet.connect(provider);
// Connect to the database
const db = new Database({ signer });

For more information, check out the Signers page.


Start by importing the Database and establishing a read-only connection. This allows developers to bypass any wallet connection since table reads are not an on-chain operation. You’ll notice the all method (and run in the example below) is chained to the statement—more details are provided in the query statement methods section.

import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";

const tableName = "healthbot_80001_1"; // Our pre-defined health check table

const db = new Database();

const { results } = await db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${tableName};`).all();


Once you are ready to create a table, you can follow rather standard SQL convention. You’ll first import the Database class, create a new instance, and then pass a CREATE TABLE statement to prepare. For readability purposes, a prefix variable is created and passed using string templating within the prepare method.

For context, the run method returns metrics about the query, such as transaction information.

import { Database } from "@tableland/sdk";

// Default to grabbing a wallet connection in a browser
const db = new Database();

// This is the table's `prefix`--a custom table value prefixed as part of the table's name
const prefix = "my_sdk_table";

const { meta: create } = await db
.prepare(`CREATE TABLE ${prefix} (id integer primary key, name text);`)

// The table's `name` is in the format `{prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}`
console.log(; // e.g., my_sdk_table_80001_311

At this point, the table exists, but it has no data.

Note it is possible to create a table without a prefix value; you can use an empty string. In this case, do be careful with string interpolation. You’ll want to wrap the prefix passed to the prepare method in double quotes so that the "empty" table name is recognized and doesn't cause a SQL syntax error.

const prefix = ""; // An empty string is a valid prefix, but make sure the CREATE TABLE statement sees it!
const { meta: create } = await db
.prepare(`CREATE TABLE "${prefix}" (id integer primary key, name text);`)

In general, double quotes around any table name in a statement is valid SQL.


The SDK allows for parameter binding to help simplify writing queries (includes both mutating and read queries). The ? is an anonymous parameter, which replaces the values in the statement with those in bind. Let’s extend the example for creating a table.

// Insert a row into the table
const { meta: insert } = await db
.prepare(`INSERT INTO ${name} (id, name) VALUES (?, ?);`)
.bind(0, "Bobby Tables")

// Wait for transaction finality
await insert.txn.wait();

// Perform a read query, requesting all rows from the table
const { results } = await db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${name};`).all();

When a table is written to, it includes two steps:

  1. On-chain interaction—this is what the wait method is waiting for (i.e., transaction finality).
  2. Off-chain materialization—once wait is fulfilled, the mutating SQL query will have been materialized by the Tableland network and is now readable with the SELECT statement.