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Running tests

Use a sandboxed Tableland network in your test suite.

You can run a local Tableland network in your test suite to test your application's integration with Tableland. This is useful for testing its behavior in a sandboxed environment without having to deploy to a public testnet.


First, make sure you've installed the package:

npm install --save-dev @tableland/local@latest

You are free to use whatever test suite you'd like, but we'll be using mocha for this walkthrough. Make sure it is installed:

npm install --save-dev mocha


You'll want to create two files: one for setting up the Tableland network, and one for running your tests. Let's assume you have a test folder that exists. You should create a setup.js file and, for example, a unit.js file.

In the setup file, we'll configure the Tableland network by importing LocalTableland, instantiating it, and then setting up before and after hooks for cleanup purposes. These will run once, each.

import { after, before } from "mocha";
import { LocalTableland } from "@tableland/local";

const lt = new LocalTableland({ silent: false });

before(async function () {
await lt.isReady();

after(async function () {
await lt.shutdown();

Recall the Tableland network works in two parts: a Registry contract that emits SQL events, and a Validator node that materializes the SQL. When you instantiate LocalTableland, it will automatically start both of these components. The isReady method will wait until these nodes have properly started, and the this.timeout(30000) ensures the tests don't exit early while waiting for these processes to begin (e.g., this is a 30 second timeout).

Now, let's set up a unit test. We'll import equal from node's assert, mocha helpers, and some helpers for Local Tableland. We'll also make use of the Tableland SDK in this example, but its usage will come from a helper method that comes with @tableland/local.

We'll use the second account from the getAccounts helper. This is important to note because the first account is specifically used during the Registry contract's deployment process, so it's always a bit safer to start with a fresh account. We'll connect this account to a new Tableland SDK Database instance—this is provided to you using the getDatabase helper.

import { match } from "assert";
import { describe, test } from "mocha";
import { getAccounts, getDatabase } from "@tableland/local";

describe("unit", function () {

const accounts = getAccounts();
const db = getDatabase(accounts[1]);

test("passes when a table is created", async function () {
const prefix = "test";
const { meta } = await db.prepare(`CREATE TABLE ${prefix} (a int);`).run();
const tableName = meta.txn?.name ?? "";
// We're using `chainId` 31337, and tables have the format `{prefix}_{chainId}_{tableId}`
match(tableName, /test_31337_/);

Note that we also use a timeout of 10 seconds here. You can adjust this based on your needs, but keep in mind that a transaction must first settle on the hardhat node before the Tableland validator processes it. This can take a few seconds end-to-end.

Finally, we'll add a test script to our package.json file:

"scripts": {
"test": "mocha"