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CLI quickstart

Learn how to create a table, add some sample data, and query the data using the CLI.

Using the Tableland CLI, developers can interact with their tables from the command line. There are some optional setup steps, including a config file and ensuring you have the proper testnet currency to execute table creates and writes.

1. Installation

Open your terminal and globally install the Tableland CLI.

npm install -g @tableland/cli

2. Create a configuration file

Specify your development environment's privateKey, chain, and providerUrl (e.g., Alchemy, Infura, Etherscan, etc.). This creates a configuration file at /Users/$USER/.tablelandrc.json that is automatically read by the tableland commands`.

tableland init

3. Create a table

Choose to define an optional prefix, such as quickstart. If you didn’t run the init command, you can also specify the required parameters as command options (prefix, chain, and private key).

# Create a table & save its returned `name` locally
tableland create "id int primary key, val text" --prefix "quickstart" --chain "80001" --privateKey "your_private_key"

Or, you can choose to pass a full CREATE TABLE statement without the prefix flag:

# Create a table & save its returned `name` locally
tableland create "CREATE TABLE (id int primary key, val text)" --chain "80001" --privateKey "your_private_key"

4. Write and read data

Insert (write) a value, and read from the newly updated table.

# Write to the table by INSERTing a value
# Note: every table is unique, so replace this with your table and correct `--chain`
tableland write "INSERT INTO quickstart_80001_2 VALUES (0, 'Bobby Tables')" --chain "80001" --privateKey "your_private_key"

# Read from the table
# Note: replace the table name with yours
# Although, anyone can *read* from *any* table, so this statement is valid for anyone
tableland read "SELECT * FROM quickstart_80001_2;" --chain "80001"